How can I export the data using Reports?

You may generate and download detailed transaction reports in the Reports section of your merchant account.

To request a report, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Reports section in the admin panel.

2. In the Report type dropdown, select the desired type of report: 

– Checkout transactions – transactions processed via the checkout (payment) page.

– Affiliate transactions – payments of the merchants you’ve invited via our Partner Program and the commission amount you earn.

– Refunds – payments that you returned (fully or partially) to your users for the requested orders.

– Chargeback – payment disputes received from our payment partners due to your payers’ complaints.

– Charge transactions – Payop system charges.

– Withdrawals (basis details) – a report containing a withdrawals list with such basic details as amount, currency, pay amount, fee, created data, and the status.

– Pending transfers – successfully processed payments that are currently held on the Rolling Reserve and Pending balances with the indicated remaining time for each balance, when the transaction will be credited to the Available balance.

– Exchange history – exchange operations.

– Withdrawals (full details) – in addition to basic details (amount, currency, pay amount, fee, created data, status), this report includes Beneficiary details given in the withdrawal requests.

– Balance statement – a statement with the actual balance on each currency wallet per the requested date.

3. Choose a period (up to 93 days) and other required data, like payment method or report format (depending on the report type).

4. Click the Create report button.

After the report is generated and has the Finished status, you can download it by pressing the ⇩ symbol in the Download the report area.

If you get Failed status for the requested report, it means there is no data matching the selected criteria.

If you want to export the data for a longer period, please make several report requests, or you may contact our Support team at [email protected], and we will be happy to assist you.

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